A ‘for sale’ sign has gone onto a second Auckland IHG property as hotel transactions spring back to life.
Kiwi Property Group, for one, is betting big on expanding its build-to-rent asset base on the back of booming population growth.
The ‘vertical’ development will feature 220 units, with penthouses expected to fetch $6 million.
Listed inner city property group beefs up residential plan by buying former McDonald's site in downtown Auckland for student accommodation.
Disenchantment with the real estate sector, while analysts generally give a poor report card.
NZ Super and KiwiSaver funds urged to increase property allocations, to promote sector liquidity.
Du Val fund manager calls for an 11th hour meeting with its build-to-rent investors as its main lender looks set to pull loan.
High rates continue to eat into unlisted property investment returns, with funds opting to sell down portfolios.
Listed property group's portfolio slips below $2 billion on lower capitalisation rates, and on the back of exposure to government tenants.
Applicant has abandoned liquidation proceedings after delays to the hearing process.