A ‘for sale’ sign has gone onto a second Auckland IHG property as hotel transactions spring back to life.
Council says it will retain the 999-year encumbrance and wants developer to foot the bill for $200,000 in clean-up costs.
Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Ltd chair Mark Stewart on the landmark restoration.
Though the average home build still comes in at about $3250sqm.
Time taken to get consents over the line through New Zealand’s 67 consenting authorities is seen as a major roadblock to building, and part of the reason for rampant build cost inflation.
From granny flats to import substitution, two ministers named Chris are in the advance guard of a Government bent on hammering out reform of the housing sector.
‘Six-pack’ of reform rules intended to free up land, extend to councils planning for at least 30 years of housing demand, up from three years.
Westwood Group paid about $70 million for the retail and hospitality hub in the trendy suburb.
But procurement policy change won’t insulate the housing provider from other cost-cutting measures, including cutting up to a third of its staff roll.
Investor advocate says more central bank speed restrictions could serve as a roadblock to lending when interest rates do eventually fall.