A ‘for sale’ sign has gone onto a second Auckland IHG property as hotel transactions spring back to life.
Anti-monopoly advocate says Building Research Association should shift away from reinventing the wheel to focusing on improved productivity.
Capital raise will supplement debt finance offer from BNZ for Cromwell lifestyle villages.
The long-awaited sale of the developer’s Birkenhead property for a retirement village has fallen through, and the site is headed to mortgagee tender.
Company resorts to legal action to plug media leaks, as the beleaguered construction and property investment group faces increasing financial pressure.
Documents from three syndicates show bank stances toughening, tenancies weakening.
But private developers of new 191-room Pullman have taken their lead from KPG partner Tainui, the commercial wing of Waikato iwi Tainui, in doing a deal with Accor.
US tech billionaire Peter Thiel may have failed in his bid to build his version of a doomsday prepper outpost in Wānaka, but Americans are still spoiled for choice in our small Pacific outcrop.
The adage ‘the bigger they are, the harder they fall’ is becoming a common refrain in current housing market.
Diverting almost 100% of construction materials is possible, design company says, as waste fees start to ramp up.