Manager of Christchurch property syndicate says it aims to stop bidders ‘taking advantage’ of its structure by accessing share registers.
Queenstown-Lakes council wouldn’t be drawn on the buyer of the housing parcel, the final piece of a 40.5 hectare site gifted by the Crown 54 years ago.
Deal of the decade as developer fronts with less than half of Tauranga marine asset’s value for the development of a super-yacht ‘refit’ station.
Another couple of Du Val properties head to market, but they’re tough sells.
Company signals significant construction project deferral under the current build cycle and wants to make sure the cycle’s ‘at the bottom’ before rewarding contracts.
Commercial Bay owner now has $431m worth of ‘build-to-sell’ properties under construction.
Developers filed more than a third more consent applications in January; Auckland Council likely to remain busy until it signs off on its new development contribution rate sheet in May.
Auckland property developer Millbrook West collapsed earlier this year, owing an entity-linked to Arena Investors more than $15m.
Rugby and Pink were the chief drawcards during a year that still saw the ‘national stadium’ post a deficit of $4.8m.
Americans are taking advantage of a favourable exchange rate with NZ.