OPINION: Winston Peters has caught the zeitgeist of a new generation of voters. They are not centrist because he doesn’t need them to be.
OPINION: Confidence and supply apparently off the table.
OPINION: A matter of good policy, bad timing, could see it delayed until post-election.
OPINION: Government out of time for reform that would have a significant positive economic benefit.
OPINION: Proposed excess profit tax pure political opportunism by the Greens.
OPINION: Line between the two increasingly blurred as large international corporations grow and wield significant power.
OPINION: Minor party supremacy may decide the election next year.
OPINION: This time, the voting public has perhaps sent a message to Labour.
OPINION: Media merge raises issue of complacency in our trust of officialdom.
OPINION: Science, economics have moved on. Now we wait for political parties to catch up.