OPINION: Winston Peters has caught the zeitgeist of a new generation of voters. They are not centrist because he doesn’t need them to be.
OPINION: How to get people to come along; how much noise and kickback can be avoided?
OPINION: The appointments of MPs assigned to look after Auckland need to be more than just an empty platitude.
OPINION: Hipkins’ ‘bread and butter’, cost-of-living promises will be tested.
OPINION: Logistical and political costs are likely to impede any ambitious U-turns.
OPINION: This road toll campaign creates a political risk for the Government and, of more concern, is a distraction from real work needed to save lives.
OPINION: Many people have already deemed this Government irredeemable – hanging all their hopes on a change.
OPINION: Inquiry’s narrow terms of reference appear to remove the ability of the Commission to properly investigate.
OPINION: If Three Waters is biggest political disaster of this term, why repeat the problem by insisting on unpopular merger?
OPINION: Mental health service delivery will be treated as a symptom of the Labour Government’s problems, rather than a key election issue.