OPINION: Slippery Saudi slope for sports stars being shown the money.
OPINION: The Saudi sponsorship conundrum and NZ Football’s shameful silence.
OPINION: Once again, fans come last; stupid rules trump common sense.
OPINION: There are too many people not being paid on the tennis circuit.
OPINION: It's a shame but not a surprise.
OPINION: It’s been called the opiate of the masses, and for good reason.
OPINION: Those calling for national women’s rugby team to have pay parity with All Blacks should think about rewarding our other world champion athletes too.
OPINION: It’s a very difficult argument to make that any rugby anywhere is doing well on the dollar front.
OPINION: Pathetic faux outrage over rugby men/women’s scheduling a symptom of media failure.
OPINION: Taking a moral stance is all very well, but at what cost to sport itself?