The announcement is the first major move by chief executive Mark van Dyck, who joined four months ago.
Market Outlook: Fat Prophets head of research Greg Smith on the week ahead.
On the Money: Marlin Global’s outperformance, its portfolio, and its fee structure.
Margin Call: Few companies ultimately deliver the growth priced in at market peaks.
Market Outlook: Craigs private wealth research head Mark Lister on the week ahead.
Margin Call: Stephen Bennie has some lessons and reminders for investors.
Market Outlook: Fisher Funds chief investment officer Frank Jasper on the week ahead.
On the Money: Could retirees be forced to use their nest egg as an annuity?
Margin Call: Gold has high volatility and low long-term returns, but it has its place.
Market Outlook: Harbour Asset Management portfolio manager Shane Solly on the week ahead.