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Top tweets about the SIS Dirty Politics report

This is a selection of some of the more interesting tweets in response to the release of the official report into the release of information to SIS information to Slater, as alleged in Hager's book.

Tue, 25 Nov 2014

This is a selection of some of the more interesting tweets in response to the release of the official report into the release of information to SIS information to Cameron Slater, as alleged in Nicky Hager's Dirty Politics book. As usual, the most recent tweets are first. [Read more below]

Lamia ‏@LI_politico 

Key can't step down as SIS Minister anymore (nice move). But we should ask if his actions in that role means he is fit to be PM.


Laura McQuillan ‏@mcquillanatorz 

Goff almost sounds like he's going to cry. He is extremely angry with John Key today. Says Key should come clean and apologise, or resign.


Tim Murphy ‏@tmurphyNZH 

What might have been..... if Nicky Hager had published well before the election, with time for this Gwyn inquiry before the poll......


Toby Manhire ‏@toby_etc 

At this point everyone should pause, have a long hard think, and ask whether they should apologise to the prime minister.


Paul Deady @pauldeady

Killer blow P65 "Ede provided information to, discussed the terms of the OIA request with and provided Mr Slater with draft blog posts."


Matthew Hooton ‏@MatthewHootonNZ 

Par 58 on p27 arguably contradicts par 9 on p12 about who Tucker dealt with in PMO on @philgoffmp #SIS #OIA scandal


Deborah Jones ‏@deborahjonesnz 

Interesting to see two women, Kitteridge and Gwyn, in the 'cleaning it up' roles. Classic  #IGISreport


The Ruminator ‏@RuminatorNZ 

Gwyn found no evidence of political partisanship by the SIS but found it failed to take adequate steps to maintain political neutrality #wut


Martyn Bradbury ‏@CitizenBomber 



Gavin White ‏@GavinWhite18 

Before the election, 53% of NZers thought Key was lying about SIS. Poll results are in the picture.


Dirty Politics ‏@DirtyPoliticsNZ 

WO on @RadioLIVENZ 'Why don't all politicians just admit they all play #dirtypolitics, that its a big dirty game & we all have fun doing it?

David Slack ‏@DavidSlack 

@DirtyPoliticsNZ @RadioLIVENZ When he's right he's right. Michael Joseph Savage was always banging on about that. And Norman Kirk.


Matt Nippert ‏@MattNippert 

Another triumphant own-goal from Chaos & Mayhem. And thus ends my live-tweeting of the SIS/Goff report. Copy here: …


Sir Whaleoil ‏@Whaleoil 

The only reason the Collins Inquiry reports hasn't been leaked is because Phil Goff never got a copy first


Giovanni Tiso @gtiso · 

I wish more people asked questions about Jason Ede's current employment situation, and how it came about.


Dovil ‏@Dovil 

Has anyone got Lorde's number? PM looking for a selfie before tonight's news.


Jordan McCluskey ‏@prinnbanktce 

As a historian who has read many books on Nixon and Watergate, I now think the comparison is warranted. I've been resisting it.


Bounder ‏@DawgBelly 

Tucker was made a Companion to the NZ Order of Merit for services to the state in June, I wonder who nominated him?


Laila Harré ‏@lailaharre 

First rule of analysing a report involving PM. Read report before believing a single thing John Key says about it. Remember AG and SkyCity?


David Slack ‏@DavidSlack 

The Watergate nostalgia, it keeps coming. In place of long chunks missing from tape recordings, we get Ede deleting his emails.


Paul Deady @pauldeady · 

Relationship btw SIS and PM changed "significantly" with Key's govt. Contact w SIS became "more diffuse", PM's staff given "no guidance" P49


Matt Nippert @MattNippert · 

Hilariously, while Slater claimed serving SIS officer tipped him off, Ede was outing himself as source to the inquiry.


Toby Manhire ‏@toby_etc 

NZ parliament today, a preview: "pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft."


David Slack @DavidSlack · 

The Watergate nostalgia, it keeps coming. In place of long chunks missing from tape recordings, we get Ede deleting his emails.


The Egonomist ‏@TheEgonomist 

No wonder Tucker felt "between a rock and a hard place" - Key's office was set up in a way which politicised his work by default


Lamia ‏@LI_politico 

Convenient that Key no longer has the SIS portfolio


Emissary ‏@Sub_Strata 

gaming the system on a level unprecedented in New Zealand politics #DirtyPolitics


Bronwyn Hayward ‏@BMHayward 

Debate about #DirtyPolitics now is a vital, noble one. It's a question of responsibility of NZ PM for NZ security & accountable democracy


Block rockin tweets ‏@MegBatesNZ 

Key, explain why during an election campaign Hager's book was all a 'smear campaign' but ackshully evidence shows smearing = your speciality


Alastair Thompson @althecat · 

Tucker, with the benefit of hindsight, now realises that his actions were a breach of the rules he had kept to for the previous 3 decades.


Maxamillian Shields ‏@publicpurpose 

Why would @johnkeypm's lawyer argue that PMO staff were beyond jurisdiction of inquiry #dirtypolitics. Full cooperation? Yeah right (pg 12)


Bronwyn Hayward ‏@BMHayward 

PM John Key "sacked himself" so he can't be held responsible for outcomes of review of SIS #DirtyPolitics of the previous period- Phil Goff


Philip Matthews ‏@secondzeit 

In the Ede emails that do exist, provided by Slater, Ede was concerned he "might be in the shit" over release of information.


Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ · 

.@actparty/@actoncampus: You're libertarians. You must be worry about more power for #SIS when @johnkeypm puts political staffers in charge


James Dunne ‏@jamesdunnenz 

Quite interested in how the IGIS got hold of all these transcripts of telcons between NZSIS and PM's office.


Philip Matthews ‏@secondzeit 

So Ede used his own phone and personal email account "to avoid any public record" and then deleted the emails before the inquiry.


Keith Ng ‏@keith_ng 

Key apologises to Slater. SIS apologises to Key. Now we just need Slater to apologise to the SIS, and #dirtypolitics will be all squared up.


E2NZ ‏@E2NZ 

Warren Tucker's boss must resign. Who was that again? same guy who is about to give more powers to #NZSIS#dirtypolitics


Danyl Mclauchlan @danylmc · 

Ede deleted all of his personal email accounts so they couldn't be submitted as evidence #GwynReport


David Slack ‏@DavidSlack 

John Key is shocked, shocked to find that dirty politics is going on in here!


Bronwyn Hayward ‏@BMHayward 

A bigger question will be raised by the outcomes of #DirtyPolitics review- did NZ Prime Minister mislead parliament & by default citizens?


Martyn Bradbury ‏@CitizenBomber 

The idea Key, who runs the state spy agency and who rings Slater regularly, didn’t know what was going on is simply unbelievable


Warwick Rasmussen ‏@beanbiz 

Doop-de-doo, just another recycling day at Jason Ede's house.


Andrea Vance ‏@avancenz 

PM not commenting on IGIS report until embargo is lifted. Says his staff acted professionally and doesn't prove #DirtyPolitics book correct


Alex Braae ‏@awbraae 

Winning an election is clearly not an exoneration of #Dirtypolitics Time for the government and SIS to be held to account


Dylan Horrocks ‏@dylanhorrocks 

Just wondering: so has John Key read Dirty Politics yet?


Karl Baker ‏@karlsbaker 

when is all this #dirtypolitics going to start dragging NZ down the corruption index? @anticorruption


NZ Civil Liberties @civillibertynz · 

The lack of political neutrality in the SIS shows why giving spies too much power is corrosive to democracy.


Jordan McCluskey ‏@prinnbanktce 

Governments usually get wounded by repeat inquiritis in their third term, the only thing more fatal is royal commission influenza.


David Slack ‏@DavidSlack 

How much arrogance do you sense in the way they're dumping these reports? a. enormous b. immense c. gobsmacking d. the usual


Katie Bradford ‏@katieabradford 

So with the Corrections report into Phillip Smith also out today that makes 3 massive reports out all at once. Ridiculous.


Grant Robertson ‏@grantrobertson1 

This is an abuse of power. John Key and his office have used state intelligence agencies as political tool. #disgrace #antimdemocratic #IGIS


Matt Nippert ‏@MattNippert 

If the SIS act this way on "incomplete, inaccurate and misleading information," can we really trust them with warrantless B&E voyeurism?


Andrea Vance ‏@avancenz 

I'm sure there is absolutely no co-incidence in the SIS/Collins/Phillips reports being released on same day...


Dovil ‏@Dovil 

If a politician ever murdered a hitchhiker now would be the day to come clean.


Laura McQuillan ‏@mcquillanatorz 



Toby Manhire ‏@toby_etc 

November 25, or Dirty Politics Dump Day.


John Hart @farmgeek · 

Given this report, the govt needs to press pause on giving the SIS more power, about to be rushed through the house …


Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ · 

This is outrageous: Deputy Chief of Staff Philip de Joux was the principal point of liaison between the PM and the Director of the NZSIS


Lamia ‏@LI_politico 

It's no longer a "battle of the campaign strategies" when one side is using its power over government departments. It's abuse of power.


GCSB ‏@GCSBIntercepts 

"Look, we just want this Cheryl Gwyn report to be settled peacefully."


Graeme Edgeler ‏@GraemeEdgeler 

If @Whaleoil was given misleading or incomplete information in response to an OIA request, then he's a victim.

Idiot/Savant ‏@norightturnnz 

@GraemeEdgeler Yes - though he might have been happy with the result.


Jordan McCluskey ‏@prinnbanktce 

Imagine if all this had come about prior to the election. Oh wait it kinda did.


Election Satire ‏@2014satire 

Mike Hosking: "At 10 I'll be covering live one of the year's most impt stories - release of yet another ghost written All Black memoir."


Dirty Politics ‏@DirtyPoliticsNZ 

This IGIS report might just cap the limit of times John Key can say 'It wasn't me and I didn't know' #dirtypolitics …


Matthew Hooton ‏@MatthewHootonNZ 

Remember when eagleson offered to resign for signing off rollover on crown cars without PM knowing, so Key told untruth? Those were the days


Helen Kelly ‏@helenkellyCTU 

Can the PM cough up and apologise twice in the fortnight. #slater #us


André Hock ‏@transparency_a1 

So the state nobbled the peoples election by using the intelligence service to keep the incumbent in power ......Thats nice #dirtypolitics


Election Satire @2014satire

BREAKING: Key; "Judith is clearly innocent, so as from 8 a.m. I've apponted her as the new Inspector General of Security & Intelligence.


Graeme Edgeler ‏@GraemeEdgeler 

I have OIA'd the @igisnz asking why they even placed an embargo on the report. It's not like it has to wait to be presented to the House.


Election Satire ‏@2014satire 

BREAKING: Unconfirmed: Insp. Gen. of Intelligence admits "I often went pig hunting with Slater,Ede & Lusk." #dirtypolitics#rpt


Toby Manhire ‏@toby_etc 

The big winner from the revelations of the IGIS report into the SIS-PM-office-whaleoil circle? Iain Rennie.

Catriona MacLennan ‏@CatMacLennanNZ 

@toby_etc Exactly. If not for IGIS report, snap debate in House today would have been about Rennie.


Matthew Hooton ‏@MatthewHootonNZ 

Govt set to release Chisholm report today in attempt to overshadow IGIS report. Only problem is that Chisholm report clears @JudithCollinsMP


Election Satire ‏@2014satire 

Key: Yes, this report is very serious - so I've cancelled Rebecca Kitteridge's passport. #dirtypolitics #rpt


Morgan Godfery ‏@MorganGodfery 

We have security institutions acting like a shadow state: secretive, unaccountable, anti-democratic and with no respect for the rule of law


S. Jesse Durnford ‏@seann_nz 

NZ public service corrupt throughout. Culture of impunity entrenched. Politicians try 2 distance themselves but most R part of it.


Lamia ‏@LI_politico 

Just waiting for someone to say the phrase "political corruption" now. Oh wait that's me. I'm saying it.


Matthew Hooton ‏@MatthewHootonNZ 

If IGIS report as bad as media says, @johnkeypm will be under pressure to resign. Allegations worse than what @JudithCollinsMP sacked for.


James Cardno ‏@jamescardno 

I'd be stoked to be proved wrong, but I don't see anything happening tomorrow re: IGIS. The key players all gone; public are lukewarm.


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Top tweets about the SIS Dirty Politics report