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Top tweets about Te Tai Tokerau Labour/Mana dispute

Bryce Edwards
Tue, 05 Aug 2014

Here's a selection of tweets about the current dispute between Labour and Mana in the Te Tai Tokerau electorate battle between Hone Harawira and Kelvin Davis. Most recent tweets are at the top. [Read more below]

Laura McQuillan ‏@mcquillanatorz 

Kelvin Davis briefly broke his silence to say he's donating Nat blogger funds to Rape Crisis but now he's quiet again …


Felix Marwick ‏@felixmarwick 

Cunliffe on Davis and TTT website - Davis hasn't gone rogue, he's a vigorous campaigner & fully on board where they're going as a team


Anna Smart ‏@annasmartnz 

It would be ironic if Hone's deal with Dotcom was the one thing that lost him his seat.#votekelvindavis …


Yvonne Tahana ‏@ytahana 

Tai Tokerau. Always the fun seat.


Laura McQuillan ‏@mcquillanatorz 

Kelvin Davis isn't talking to media after this post about the negative campaign plans in TTT …


Joshua Hitchcock ‏@jcphitchcock 

Hone making shit up about @NgatiBird receiving money from National while at the same time taking $3mm from former ACT Party supporter.


Ben Rachinger ‏@B3nRaching3r 

Tactical voting orders for Maori Nats in TTT are to vote for @NgatiBird for the electorate. Harawira out, No IMP. KDC crippled.


Paora Ropata @kiaora4that

Hone's not gutted about Kelvins campaign...........he's shit scared. Labour, once again, fail to see the wood because of all the trees.


Paora Ropata @kiaora4that

@NgatiBird is taking it to the hoop with his campaign against HoneDotCom. Ka rawe e hoa, kia kaha. Hone should stop the moaning. Harden up


SCHEMING TROLLOP ‏@nerdyjewishgrrl 

is this real? so kelvin takes money from the right to attack internet/mana but its kim dotcom that is threatening our leftist values?


Cerian Wagstaff ‏@KelianiWagstaff 

Kelvin should be campaigning 4 party vote & working 2 change govt not fighting Hone! …


Patrick Gower ‏@patrickgowernz 

What will Cunliffe, McCarten & Barnett do about Kelvin Davis @NgatiBird who is going hard, going negative and wants to win the Tai Tokerau?


Patrick Gower @patrickgowernz

Mallard has just retweeted my Kelvin Davis tweet. #ismccartenawake


Patrick Gower @patrickgowernz

Kelvin Davis asking for money to stop Dotcom on his Facebook page.#somebodytellmccarten


Lew ‏@LewSOS 

Sing it with me: Freeeeee-eee Kelvin Man-Davis


Lew ‏@LewSOS 

Most depressing thing about the TTT emails isn't that they torpedoed the campaign, but their wretched "HR-manager-of-a-major-govt-dept" tone


Tova O'Brien @TovaOBrien

Emails show Labour proposed a work around to keep dirt site & donations without the bad press. The same party criticises cabinet club


Tova O'Brien @TovaOBrien

Labour can't have it both ways with Internet-Mana #freekelvindavis


Tova O'Brien @TovaOBrien

Labour slams @NgatiBird's anti-Internet-Mana website then says actually it's ok if someone else does it for us, we can still keep the cash


Phil Quin ‏@philquin 

Sad indictment of NZ politics: Hone Harawira calling on @NgatiBird 2 resign 4 campaigning against him isn't stupidest thing I've heard today


Patrick Gower @patrickgowernz

Leaked emails: Labour blocks anti-Dotcom/Hone campaign in Te Tai Tokerau … No need for a deal if you don't try to win.


Imperator Fish ‏@ImperatorFish 

Hone Harawira appears to be incensed that his opponent in the TTT is trying to win it. How very dare he!


Paora Ropata @kiaora4that

@nzlabour are killing @NgatiBird's campaign. Why should Kelvin suffer because of Cunliffes lack of popularity. Kelvin's being railroaded.


Paora Ropata ‏@kiaora4that 

What? Paddy has an email showing @nzlabour don't like the negative tactics used againstHone Dotcom. Why do they give a fvk?


Patrick Gower ‏@patrickgowernz 

Coming up on @TheNationTV3 I have emails showing Labour head office blocking an anti-Dotcom/Hone campaign in Te Tai Tokerau. #pullingpunches


Kelvin Davis @NgatiBird ·

@davejac anyone wanting to donate to the NZLP TTT Campaign Account here's the account number : 38-9009-0235341-01 


Bryce Edwards
Tue, 05 Aug 2014
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Top tweets about Te Tai Tokerau Labour/Mana dispute