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RAW DATA: Kim Dotcom's bail conditions

Georgina Bond
Thu, 01 Mar 2012

NBR has obtained Kim Dotcom's bail conditions, not published with the original decision to grant him bail on February 22.

They are:

RAW DATA: Kim Dotcom's full bail conditions

1. To reside at 5H The Prom, Coatesville, Auckland.

2. To reside at 5H The Prom, Coatesville, Auckland 24 hours a day

3. Not to reside at the designated EM Bail address with any form of internet access including fixed line, wireless and mobile.

4. To present yourself at the door if called upon by a member or employee of NZ Police on provision of Police identification

5. To travel directly, without stopping, except as required in the normal course of driving, to 5H The Prom, Coatesville, Auckland, upon release from custody.

6. To remain within those electronic boundaries, as set by the assessor during induction on to bail, at all times whilst subject to EM Bail 24 hour curfew unless advised otherwise by the EM Bail Assessor.

7. To be absent from the address on each and every court appearance date, solely for the purpose of attending court. To remain at the court until the conclusion of your hearing, whereupon, to return directly to the EM Bail address.

8. Allowed to attend pre-approved (by the EM Bail Assessor), medical or dental appointments and any scheduled legal appointments. Confirmation of the appointment is to be provided to the EM Bail Assessor 48 hours, in advance. Travel to be direct between the EM Bail address and that of the appointment.

9. Not to consume or possess illicit drugs

10. To surrender any passport and any other travel document to the Registrar of the North Shore District Court and not to apply for any passport or other travel Document. The registrar is to advise the Department of internal Affairs Passport division.

11. To allow a security guard from the monitoring company (on provision of appropriate identification) access to the house on request to check and maintain the electronic monitoring equipment, respond to alarm alerts, and to remove the equipment.

12. Not to tamper with or damage any electronic monitoring equipment.

13. Not to refuse a Police EM Bail assessor (on provision of Police Identification) access to the house to speak to an occupant where an occupant (being a person who has consented to you residing at the address) has requested to speak with an EM Bail Assessor.

14. To surrender yourself to Police custody if, for any reason, you are unable to remain at the address listed in the bail bond.

15. To co-operate with the security guard in fitting the electronic bracelet to your body.

16. Not to associate directly or indirectly with alleged co-offenders, Echternach, Bencko and Nomm.

17. Not to refuse a Police EM Bail Assessor (on proven of Police identification) or a Police Officer (on Provision of Police ID) access to his home to ensure compliance with Condition “3” relating to internet capable devices.

18. No Helicopter is be at or travel to 5H The Prom, Coatesville, Auckland or to 186 Mahoenui Road, Coatesville, Auckland

19. Not to go to 186 Mahoenui Road, Coatsville, Auckland

20. Not to travel more than 80 kilometres from 5H The Prom, Coatesville

21. Notify police 24 hours in advance of any appointment that requires you to leave 5H The Prom, Coatesville except for any medical emergency pertaining to you or unanticipated medical attendance pertaining to you wife

Georgina Bond
Thu, 01 Mar 2012
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RAW DATA: Kim Dotcom's bail conditions