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OneNews-Colmar Brunton snap poll: voters shrug off Hager book

PLUS: 3News-Reid Reserach poll is billed as a "reality check" for National. UPDATED: Internet Mana hits 4% in OneNews Colmar Brunton poll.

Mon, 18 Aug 2014

A Colmar Brunton snap poll for One News has found 77% have heard of Nicky Hager's new book Dirty Politics.

But only 28% say they believe its allegations about an organised smear campaign carried out by National. 42% did not beleive Mr Hager's allegations. 29% didn't know.

And 82% say it has not negatively influenced their view of National. 

9% said it had negatively influenced their view of National. 5% didn't know. 4% said it had positively influenced their view of the party.

A general OneNews-Colmar Brunton update was also released. It was taken before Dirty Politics hit shelves and found National down 2 to 50, Labour down 2 to 26%, the Greens 1 to 11, NZ First up 1 to 5% an Internet Mana up 2 to 4% (although a tival poll, below, saw Internet Mana falling 0.2% to 2%).

"Reality check"
Meanwhile TV3 has billed a new poll released tonight as a "reality check" for National.

The 3News-Reid Research poll was completed just before the release of Dirty Politics. It found:

Party vote:

National: 47.5 percent, down 1.9 percent
Labour: 29 percent, up 2.3 percent
Greens: 13 percent, up 0.6 percent
New Zealand First: 4.6 percent, up 0.3 percent
Conservatives: 2.5 percent, down 0.2 percent
Internet Mana: 2.0 percent, down 0.2 percent
Maori Party: 0.8 percent, down 0.3 percent
ACT: 0.3 percent, up 0.2 percent
United Future: 0.2 percent, no change

Seats in Parliament:

National: 61
ACT: 1
United Future: 1
Maori Party: 2
Right total: 65

Labour: 38
Green: 17
Mana: 3
Left total: 58

Preferred Prime Minister:

John Key: 44.1 percent, up 0.3 percent
David Cunliffe: 9.9 percent, up 0.4 percent
Winston Peters: 6.7 percent, up 1.4 percent

1000 people polled, margin of error 3.1 percent

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OneNews-Colmar Brunton snap poll: voters shrug off Hager book