Today’s content
Newstalk ZB: Colin Craig, press secretary part ways
Herald: Colin Craig's press secretary quits, reportedly calls him a 'manipulative man'
TV3: Colin Craig: Public doesn't trust Govt
RNZ: Craig says party will get over threshold
Steve Braunias (Metro): Campaign Diary: Day 12
Peter Cresswell (Not PC): Don’t vote for Colon
Leaders debate
TVNZ: Fast and feisty final leaders debate
Claire Trevett (Herald): Final debate: Leaders keen to avoid Dotcom
Adam Bennett (Herald): Fourth debate: No power sharing with Peters
Herald: Key v Cunliffe: Who won the fourth debate?
Stuff: Leaders' debate: Numbers don't add up
Simon Wong (TV3): Leaders: Too many distractions in campaign
TVNZ: Key, Cunliffe go 'hammer and tongs' in final TV debate
GCSB and spying
Dan Satherley (TV3): Peters not telling where NSA bases are
Newswire: Internet Mana: We'd give Snowden asylum
Kelly Dennett and Manpreet Farrar (Newstalk ZB): No spying under Labour: Cunliffe
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Greenwald wants answers from spy watchdog
Adam Bennett (Herald): John Key 'comfortable' that NSA is not spying on NZ
Nelson Mail: Bombed timing?
TV3: PM appears to be lying about GCSB - Edwards
Paul McBeth (NBR): GCSB's 'Project Cortex' may expand to technology sharing with ISPs
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): NSA spying can't be ruled out: PM
Dan Satherley (TV3): Spy claims will backfire on left - Joyce
TVNZ: Spy chief needs to look at our evidence – Greenwald
Radio NZ: No mass surveillance in New Zealand – PM
No Right Turn: Key admits the GCSB has broken the law
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): A reader on Five Eyes
PMC: NZ: Mixed reaction over 'gang of four' mass surveillance impact on election
The Jackal: Key declassified secret information in error
Peter Cresswell (Not PC): Privacy, Property and the #SurveillanceState
Peter Cresswell (Not PC): That’s democracy, David
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Media advisory: Glenn Greenwald is a fraud
TV3: Dotcom staff allege poor wages, bullying
TV3: Dotcom: 'I have never bullied staff'
Stephen Keys (Unframed): XKEYSCORE – NAH, YEAH
Brook Sabin (TV3): Cunliffe 'detests' Dotcom's big money
Selwyn Manning (Daily Blog): Has The NSA Constructed The Perfect PPP?
Radio NZ: Potentional partners criticise backtrack
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Clark and Privacy Commissioner also say there is no mass surveillance
Anthony Robbins (The Standard): Key’s last fig leaf
Claire Trevett (Herald): Key slams Greenwald over potential spiking of NZ's UN bid
Dominion Post: Advantages to Five Eyes network
Rosemary McLeod (Stuff): Making out the Dotcom circus
Johnny Moore (Stuff): Kim Dotcodotnz could get Kiwi support
Simon Wong (TV3): Key 'reasonably knowledgeable' about GCSB
Andrea Vance (Stuff): How the Snowden story unfolded
Stuff: Greenwald's unanswered questions
TVNZ: Key not ruling out whether US spying on Kiwis
Stephen Franks: On the moral merits of hackers and spies
Greg Presland (The Standard): The latest polls
Patrick Gower (TV3): Poll: Winston holds balance of power
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Two more polls
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): The most marginal seats according to iPredict
Jono Natusch (Occassionally Erudite): Poll of Polls update – 17 September 2014
Radio NZ: Te Tai Hauauru candidate wary of polls
Colin James (Radio NZ): Poll of polls
Ian Llewellyn (Scoop): The More Things Change…
Stuff: NZ's economy hollow: Cunliffe
Peter Lyons (Herald): Trickle-down is part of the problem, not an answer
Radio NZ: Income inequality - growing or stagnant
Niko Kloeten (Stuff): How much has the economy grown?
Richard Medows (Stuff): Fears investors would shun shares under Labour
Tim Fulton and Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Flock Hill job losses a 'red herring'
TVNZ: Loss of tourism jobs a 'red herring' – Key
Eric Crampton (Offsetting Behaviour): Capital Gains Tax Bleg
Catherine Harris (Stuff): NZ homes among least affordable: BIS
Kate Chapman (Stuff): Strong opposition to foreign ownership of NZ farms - survey
Brendan Manning (Herald): Election 2014: Act rules out deal involving NZ First
Stuff: ACT: We'll win 3 or 4 seats
Matthew Beveridge: Jamie Whyte and ask away
NZ First
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Winston Peters wins a debate he wasn't in
Danyl McLauchlan (Dim-Post): Brief Winston Peters predictions for the record
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Winston grinning at the sidelines
Sandra Conchie (Bay of Plenty Times): Bill English's cocaine reference slammed
Claire Trevett (Herald): National pledge to cut benefit numbers by 25 per cent
TV3: Australian Liberals want Kiwis to vote National
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Eminem fires back at National
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): National plans to cut numbers by 25%
Dave Gooselink (TV3): Clutha-Southland candidates' big challenge
Michael Fox (Stuff): Meet the leaders: Metiria Turei
TV3: Turei pushes for co-Deputy PM role
Dirty Politics
No Right Turn: Taking a stand against dirty politics
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Was Dotcom behind the hacking of my emails?
Duncan Garner (RadioLIVE): What happens to Labour if they lose?
Danyl McLauchlan (Dim Post): Election predictions and uncertainties and strategic voting
The Ruminator: Election Prediction
Radio NZ: 10% of enrolled people have voted
Stephen Keys (Unframed): How the MSM fails us on democracy
Andrew Geddes (Pundit): A firm prediction about what will happen on September 21
Peter Wilson and Sarah Robson (TV3): Party leaders hit the road in final push
Derek Cheng (Herald): Hone Harawira fears plot to unseat him
Aaron Leaman and Matt Bowen (Stuff): Voting rort allegations with intellectually disabled
Mark Blackham (Political Business): Why campaigns concentrate on decided voters
Aimee Gulliver and Michael Fox (Stuff): Hone Harawira accuses Maori Party of sabotage
Ciara Pratt (Stuff): Voting matters, youth say
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Take your pick - lamb chops or steak
Shilo Kino (Stuff): Charter school a boost for Maori kids
John Armstrong (Herald): Parties' final push: Getting punters out to vote
Sarah Wilson (Stuff): Each vote counts in every election
Scoop: New methods needed to reach non-voters
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Large donations in 2014
Nelson Mail: Skies brewing up wintry election
Peter Calder (Herald): An open letter to our leaders