The main issues in NZ politics today are Maurice Williamson's resignation, Labour's monetary policy, legal highs, and Rape Crisis funding.
Today’s links
Maurice Williamson resignation
Jared Savage (Herald): Maurice Williamson resigns as a minister
Jared Savage (Herald): Maurice Williamson: Emails between top cops revealed
Brendan Manning, Jared Savage and Isaac Davison (Herald): Maurice Williamson 'crossed the line' - PM
Audrey Young (Herald): Williamson's 'significant error of judgment'
Audrey Young (Herald): Why Maurice Williamson should be sacked
Stacey Kirk and Vernon Small (Stuff): Minister Maurice Williamson resigns amid claim
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Maurice Williamson: A career of highs and lows
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): Maurice Williamson resigns as minister
Stacey Kirk and Vernon Small (Stuff): Minister Maurice Williamson resigns amid claim
TV3: Maurice Williamson resigns as minister
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Williamson and Liu
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Silly Maurice Williamson - National's cronyism is reserved for Milk companies, corporate Hollywood, friendly media outlets, casinos and Rio Tinto – not partner bashers
Lynn Prentice (The Standard): Williamson now. How corrupt is the National cabinet?
Labour’s monetary policy
Josie Pagani (Pundit): Mr Joyce claimed nine mistakes in David Parker's interview. None stacked up.
Waikato Times: Ignore PM's criticisms of monetary policy
Vernon Small (Stuff): Labour policy launch sails with fair winds
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Risks with weaker dollar: Key
Simon Collins (Herald): Compulsory KiwiSaver excludes 300,000
Corazon Miller (Newstalk ZB): Labour's KiwiSaver plan called a built in excuse for bad Govts
Brook Sabin (TV3): Labour's rates plan to limit immigration
TVNZ: Key dismisses Labour idea of cutting migrants to curb inflation
Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): The Talented Mr Parker: Labour acquires the weapon it needs to win the September war.
Dan Satherley (TV3): Poor may be exempt from Labour's KiwiSaver plan
Radio NZ: No effect on rents, says Labour
Fran O'Sullivan (Herald): Flaws in Labour's inflation plan
Julie Moffett and Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): Labour monetary policy under the microscope
TVNZ: Labour economic policy tapping into 'political hotpoint' of immigration
John Minto (Daily Blog): Labour still playing in the same economic sandpit as National
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Reaction to Labour’s monetary policy
Pete George (Your NZ): Labour’s compulsory Kiwisaver exemptions
Pete George (Your NZ): Labour’s big Kiwisaver challenge
No Right Turn: All about distribution
Mark Hubbard (Life Behind the Iron Drape): Why There Must be No Compulsory Kiwisaver II: Inequality against Men and Maori – Personal Choices and Trade Offs. #Individualism
Legal highs
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Legal highs move forced by Nat MPs
Nigel Moffiet (Stuff): Lobbyist on high after ban on synthetic drugs
Don Franks (Redline): Synthetic drug testing: Poem tae a rat
Janine Rankine (Stuff): A big victory for communities
Brian Rudman (Herald): It's high time we accepted most of us want a fix
Alexander Gillespie (Herald): Animal testing of drugs may be only way
Rape crisis
Isaac Davison (Herald): Rape crisis centres to get $10m boost
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Funding boost for sexual violence response
TVNZ: $10.4 million 'a huge win' for sexual violence support services
No Right Turn: Good
Newswire: Sexual violence funding too late - Labour
Christchurch rebuild
Herald: Editorial: Inaction on flood basin defies belief
Greg Presland (The Standard): Paul Henry and Christchurch’s floods
Chris Richardson (Recess Monkey): Dalziel the Great and Powerful!
Foreign investment
Neville Gibson (NBR): Scrap foreign investment rules, for country's sake – think tank
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): NZ needs foreign money - NZ Initiative
Craig McCulloch (Radio NZ): Xenophobes worry think-tank
Radio NZ: Foreign investment changes dismissed
Economy and inequality
Roeland van den Bergh (Stuff): NZ business confidence remains high
TVNZ: China tightens up on New Zealand milk imports
The Standard: Key Announces National’s Job’s Policy.
Ben Clark (The Standard): Piketty: inequality & capitalism’s flaw
Chloe King (Daily Blog): Poor people: they just need to buck up their ideas and change their attitude… oh wait minute
Radio NZ: Growth on housing consents continues
National Party
Dominion Post: Editorial: Tobacco stain on would-be MP
TVNZ: National Party selects Ohariu candidate
Andrea Vance (Stuff): National billboard breaks parking rules
Lynn Prentice (The Standard): National’s exports – how to lose value and jobs
Matthew Beveridge: Social Media and the Blue Rinse Brigade
The Standard: Clutha- Southland and the stark contrast in NZ politics
ACT Party
Fundamentally Useless: Maybe ACT aren’t so well-resourced after all…
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Can Michael Wood and Julie Anne Genter end ACT?
Alex O’Hara (TV3): Government cracks down on surgery mishaps
Sue Kedgley (Herald): Sunbed regulation needed
Laura McQuillan (Newstalk ZB): More pressure on Govt to tackle child health
TV3: Group seeks judicial review of fluoridation decision
Media and politics
Radio NZ: Project 'fills gap' in election coverage
Matthew Beveridge: Project Disrupt: Being PC Digital Innovation and Global Democracies
Matthew Beveridge: Project Disrupt: The role of social media in public debate and policy
Stuff: Today in Politics: Friday, May 1
Newswire: Labour calls on UN to investigate ECan
Taranaki Daily News: Nip racist comments in the bud
Adam Bennett (Herald): Eye on New Zealand First MP's hiring of staff
Newswire: Crown to appeal Dotcom asset decision
No Right Turn:A good question
No Right Turn: Why does this woman still have an NZ honour?
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): The Robson complaint
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Crampton on alcohol prices
Susan Wood (Newstalk ZB): Susan's Editorial: Joy of children
Dan Satherley (TV3): NZ best in the world at fighting crime - expert
Peter Cresswell (Not PC): This is What Political Science Looks Like
Paul Moon (Herald): Portraits fall back on shock value
The Standard: The local in the bigger picture: new Green conservation policy
James Dann (Rebuilding Christchurch): It’s the constitution, it’s Mabo, it’s justice, it’s law, it’s the vibe
Fine Tooth Column: Shane Jones was never the last straw