9 mins to read


Bryce Edwards
Thu, 01 May 2014

The main issues in NZ politics today are Maurice Williamson's resignation, Labour's monetary policy, legal highs, and Rape Crisis funding.  

Today’s links  

Maurice Williamson resignation

Jared Savage (Herald): Maurice Williamson resigns as a minister

Jared Savage (Herald): Maurice Williamson: Emails between top cops revealed

Brendan Manning, Jared Savage and Isaac Davison (Herald): Maurice Williamson 'crossed the line' - PM

Audrey Young (Herald): Williamson's 'significant error of judgment'

Audrey Young (Herald): Why Maurice Williamson should be sacked

Stacey Kirk and Vernon Small (Stuff): Minister Maurice Williamson resigns amid claim    

Andrea Vance (Stuff): Maurice Williamson: A career of highs and lows    

Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): Maurice Williamson resigns as minister

Stacey Kirk and Vernon Small (Stuff): Minister Maurice Williamson resigns amid claim    

TV3: Maurice Williamson resigns as minister

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Williamson and Liu

Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Silly Maurice Williamson - National's cronyism is reserved for Milk companies, corporate Hollywood, friendly media outlets, casinos and Rio Tinto – not partner bashers

Lynn Prentice (The Standard): Williamson now. How corrupt is the National cabinet?


Labour’s monetary policy

Josie Pagani (Pundit): Mr Joyce claimed nine mistakes in David Parker's interview. None stacked up.

Waikato Times: Ignore PM's criticisms of monetary policy

Vernon Small (Stuff): Labour policy launch sails with fair winds

Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Risks with weaker dollar: Key

Simon Collins (Herald): Compulsory KiwiSaver excludes 300,000

Corazon Miller (Newstalk ZB): Labour's KiwiSaver plan called a built in excuse for bad Govts

Brook Sabin (TV3): Labour's rates plan to limit immigration

TVNZ: Key dismisses Labour idea of cutting migrants to curb inflation

Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): The Talented Mr Parker: Labour acquires the weapon it needs to win the September war.

Dan Satherley (TV3): Poor may be exempt from Labour's KiwiSaver plan

Radio NZ: No effect on rents, says Labour

Fran O'Sullivan (Herald): Flaws in Labour's inflation plan

Julie Moffett and Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): Labour monetary policy under the microscope

TVNZ: Labour economic policy tapping into 'political hotpoint' of immigration

John Minto (Daily Blog): Labour still playing in the same economic sandpit as National

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Reaction to Labour’s monetary policy

Pete George (Your NZ): Labour’s compulsory Kiwisaver exemptions

Pete George (Your NZ): Labour’s big Kiwisaver challenge

No Right Turn:  All about distribution

Mark Hubbard (Life Behind the Iron Drape): Why There Must be No Compulsory Kiwisaver II: Inequality against Men and Maori – Personal Choices and Trade Offs. #Individualism


Legal highs

Andrea Vance (Stuff): Legal highs move forced by Nat MPs

Nigel Moffiet (Stuff): Lobbyist on high after ban on synthetic drugs

Don Franks (Redline): Synthetic drug testing: Poem tae a rat

Janine Rankine (Stuff): A big victory for communities

Brian Rudman (Herald): It's high time we accepted most of us want a fix

Alexander Gillespie (Herald): Animal testing of drugs may be only way


Rape crisis

Isaac Davison (Herald): Rape crisis centres to get $10m boost

Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Funding boost for sexual violence response

TVNZ: $10.4 million 'a huge win' for sexual violence support services

No Right Turn: Good

Newswire: Sexual violence funding too late - Labour


Christchurch rebuild

Herald: Editorial: Inaction on flood basin defies belief

Greg Presland (The Standard): Paul Henry and Christchurch’s floods

Chris Richardson (Recess Monkey): Dalziel the Great and Powerful!


Foreign investment

Neville Gibson (NBR): Scrap foreign investment rules, for country's sake – think tank

Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): NZ needs foreign money - NZ Initiative

Craig McCulloch (Radio NZ): Xenophobes worry think-tank

Radio NZ: Foreign investment changes dismissed


Economy and inequality

Roeland van den Bergh (Stuff): NZ business confidence remains high

TVNZ: China tightens up on New Zealand milk imports

The Standard: Key Announces National’s Job’s Policy.

Ben Clark (The Standard): Piketty: inequality & capitalism’s flaw

Chloe King (Daily Blog): Poor people: they just need to buck up their ideas and change their attitude… oh wait minute

Radio NZ: Growth on housing consents continues


National Party

Dominion Post: Editorial: Tobacco stain on would-be MP

TVNZ: National Party selects Ohariu candidate

Andrea Vance (Stuff): National billboard breaks parking rules

Lynn Prentice (The Standard): National’s exports – how to lose value and jobs

Matthew Beveridge: Social Media and the Blue Rinse Brigade

The Standard: Clutha- Southland and the stark contrast in NZ politics


ACT Party

Fundamentally Useless: Maybe ACT aren’t so well-resourced after all…

Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Can Michael Wood and Julie Anne Genter end ACT?



Alex O’Hara (TV3): Government cracks down on surgery mishaps

Sue Kedgley (Herald): Sunbed regulation needed

Laura McQuillan (Newstalk ZB): More pressure on Govt to tackle child health

TV3: Group seeks judicial review of fluoridation decision


Media and politics

Radio NZ: Project 'fills gap' in election coverage

Matthew Beveridge: Project Disrupt: Being PC Digital Innovation and Global Democracies

Matthew Beveridge: Project Disrupt: The role of social media in public debate and policy



Stuff: Today in Politics: Friday, May 1

Newswire: Labour calls on UN to investigate ECan

Taranaki Daily News: Nip racist comments in the bud

Adam Bennett (Herald): Eye on New Zealand First MP's hiring of staff

Newswire: Crown to appeal Dotcom asset decision

No Right Turn:A good question

No Right Turn: Why does this woman still have an NZ honour?

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): The Robson complaint

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Crampton on alcohol prices

Susan Wood (Newstalk ZB): Susan's Editorial: Joy of children

Dan Satherley (TV3): NZ best in the world at fighting crime - expert

Peter Cresswell (Not PC): This is What Political Science Looks Like

Paul Moon (Herald): Portraits fall back on shock value

The Standard: The local in the bigger picture: new Green conservation policy

James Dann (Rebuilding Christchurch): It’s the constitution, it’s Mabo, it’s justice, it’s law, it’s the vibe

Fine Tooth Column: Shane Jones was never the last straw

Bryce Edwards
Thu, 01 May 2014
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