Hot Topic Summer features
Hot Topic Summer features
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NZ POLITICS DAILY: March 31 2014

Bryce Edwards
Mon, 31 Mar 2014

Today’s content



Internet Party

Rachel Smalley (Newstalk ZB): It's not going to be a boring election

John Drinnan (Herald): Labour view left right out

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Dotcom makes the right call here

Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Mana to keep talking to Dotcom

Isaac Davison (Herald): Harawira keeps merger talk alive

Jade D’Hack (Salient): Power and the Money, Money and the Power

Steven Cowan (Against the Current): The Dotcom Circus

NBR Staff (NBR): Hone's four demands for Dotcom

John Armstrong (Herald): Step right up for the Dotcom political joke

Fran O'Sullivan (Herald): Dotcom puts Harawira's principles on the line

Tracy Watkins (Stuff): The Dotcom factor's heavy toll

Michael Cummings (Manawatu Standard): Next chapter's called regret

Rodney Hide (Herald): Revenge put to work as policy

Colin Espiner (Stuff): Dotcom logs on for a fight

Steve Braunias (Stuff): The secret diary of . . . Kim Dotcom

Brooke Gardiner (TV3): Minto: Mana open to Dotcom deal

Laura Walters and Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Internet Party reaches 500 members

Newstalk ZB Staff (Newstalk ZB): Possibility for Mana Internet team-up

TVNZ: Hone Harawira talks up possible alliance with Kim Dotcom

Michael Sergel (Newstalk ZB): Harawira says he's got common ground with Dotcom

Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Mana lays out conditions for deal with Internet Party

No Right Turn: That was quick

Andrew Geddis (Pundit): Clickbait: Do the Internet Party's rules breach the Electoral Act?

Matthew Beveridge: Kim Dotcom, Vikram Kumar, Social Media and the Internet Party

Tim Selwyn (Tumeke): Say the party party be cray cray

Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): The Orchestration Of Hate: Why are the elites so afraid of Kim Dotcom?

Pete George (Your NZ): Three month betrayal for Labour MPs?

Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): The MP most likely . . .

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Garner and Keall on Dotcom and his party

Pete George (Your NZ): Kumar to replace Dotcom

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Is the Dotcom Party democratic enough to be registered?

The Standard: Outing Nats’ smear machine

Stephanie Rodgers (The Standard): Who is the Internet Party’s secret MP?

Andrew Tait (ISO): Millionaires, Mana, and the Poverty of Politics

Kuneblog: Kim Dotcom 2017

Redrave: Aotearoa: Mana, a Movement for Reform or Revolution?


Kim Dotcom

Herald: Editorial: Dotcom should rethink ownership of Hitler book

Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Dotcom 'doesn't want political intervention'

Kerre McIvor (Herald): Owning a book doesn't make you evil

Jared Savage and Adam Bennett (Herald): Dotcom's debt repayment a publicity stunt says disgruntled creditor

Brian Gaynor (Herald): Mega heads to NZX's back door

Tamsyn Parker (Herald): Stock takes: Mega warning

Brian Edwards (BEM): Reflections on Kim Dotcom, book-burning and the Nazis

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): More on Dotcom

Danyl McLauchlan (Dim-Post): Two point five points

Katie Kenny (Stuff): Extradition laws 'cumbersome'



Laura Walters (Stuff): Thousands march against TPPA

Matthew Theunissen and Teuila Fuatai (Herald): Thousands protest TPPA in downtown Auckland

Fightback: Stop the TPPA: Wellington protest report

David Kennedy (Local Bodies): TPPA, Protesting from Whangarei to Invercargill!

Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): TPPA Protest

Shomi Yoon (ISO): Marching Against the TPPA


Labour Party

Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): The Soap Box: Labour chooses star power

Matthew Hooton (NBR): Labour abandons higher ground on corporate welfare

Newswire: Labour announces Waiariki candidate

Lynley Bilby (Herald): Tamati Coffey selected for Labour

Herald: Broadcaster enters politics as new Labour candidate

Sophia Duckor-Jones (Newstalk ZB): Star power will help Labour

John Sargeant (Stuff): Cunliffe's lurch to left has 70s aroma

Laura Walters (Stuff): Labour on the fence about trade deal

MTNZ: Could the media skills of Shane Jones still be Labour’s answer?

Matthew Beveridge: David Cunlifffe’s latest photo



NBR Staff (NBR): Norman wants deputy PM role, Green Bank

Herald: Greens would demand changes to TPPA

TV3/Newswire: Norman sets sights on deputy PM role

Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): Norman helps National again

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Deputy Prime Minister Russel Norman

Rodney Hide (NBR): Greens’ latest fiddle: windmills on roofs


Latest polls

NBR Staff (NBR): National up, down in latest polls - and one has an NZ First surge to 7%

TVNZ: NZ First the big winner in poll

Audrey Young (Herald): Internet Party registers support in new political poll

Laura McQuillan (Newstalk ZB): Opinion polls see National well ahead

Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Polls bad news for Labour

Patrick Gower (TV3): Poll: National up, despite Oravida saga

Greg Presland (The Standard): The trouble with political polls

TVNZ: No-one knows what 'kingmaker' Peters will do – Key

Pete George (Your NZ): State of the parties


Election commentary

Brian Edwards (NBR): 'Tricky vs Shifty' – coming to your TV soon!

Samantha Anderson (Daily Blog): Modern political apathy difficult to fight


Political donations

Isaac Davison (Herald): Colin Craig pumps another half a million dollars into party

Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Craig gives $550k to Conservatives

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Some large donations



Jo Moir (Stuff): Parata irked by timing of teacher union protest

Kim Baker Wilson (Radio NZ): Hundreds rally for living wage

Newswire: Low pay in education sector highlighted

Laura McDonald (TV3): Iwi leaders slam NZEI protests

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Maori schools lash NZEI

Stuff: Education inequity not only NZ's problem

No Right Turn: Pissing on the OIA


Genesis float

Stuff: Govt sets Genesis share price

TV3: Genesis shares set at $1.55

Herald: Genesis Energy sale to raise $736m

Newswire: Genesis figures confirm flop – Labour

Catherine Harris and Tracy Watkins (Stuff): High demand expected for Genesis

Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Lower return but also less heat and light



Dita De Boni (Herald): House buying is a battlefield

Newswire: Labour finds ways to build cheap homes

Duncan Garner (RadioLVIE): Go pre-fab housing. Old way is a rip off

TVNZ: 75 new homes for Christchurch

RadioLIVE: Govt upgrades houses for child safety

Bernard Hickey (Herald): An ugly housing vacuum

Duncan Garner (Stuff): Unemployed should be forced to work


Maori politics

Newswire: Wairarapa iwi reach agreement in principle

Christine McKay (Hawke’s Bay Today): Treaty settlement something to celebrate

Dominion Post: Editorial: Maori TV needs strong leader

Radio NZ: Maori TV appointment 'vindication for iwi'

Julian Wilcox (Herald): Jolting the fabric of broadcasting



Newswire: Climate change action is futile – ACT

Newstalk ZB Staff (Newstalk ZB): Greens say report will back up calls for stronger ETS

TVNZ: NZ global warming funding 'irresponsible moral exhibitionism' - Jamie Whyte

Rob Salmond (Polity): The climate change do-nothings


Offshore oil and gas

Chris Morris (ODT): In the hot seat

Audrey Young (Herald): Government sets best-practice fracking guidelines

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Guest Post: Deep Sea Oil Drilling in NZ : just who is crazy?

James Weir (Stuff): Global interest in NZ oil, gas action



Stuff: Confidence soaring in capital – survey

Nathan Smith (NBR): Obstacles to a NZ-EU free-trade agreement

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Worthwhile or not?

James Dann (Rebuilding Christchurch): We Built This City On Rock N Roll (Rockstar Economy Edition)

Peter Cresswell (Not PC): Just who exactly are all these taxpayers?


Blogs and the Media

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): A Kiwiblog editorial policy

The Ruminator: Facts are Sacred. Comment is (of variable quality)



Stuff: Today in Politics: March 31

Adam Bennett (Herald): Income gap growing – poll

David Fisher (Herald): Pair lose bid to handle Whanau Ora funding

Pete George (Your NZ): A sickness within politics

Herald: Herald on Sunday editorial: NZ doesn't need its own Sin City

John Weekes (Herald): Refugee resettlement base to be refurbished

Marama Davidson (Herald): For Lent, give up judgment

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Marama Davidson on abortion

David Robie (Daily Blog): Corruption, illegal tuna fisheries and a ‘lifestyle tsunami’ trouble Pacific business editors

Matthew Beveridge: Twitter Stats: 27 March

Frank Macskasy (Daily Blog): Real Terrorism in NZ – In remembrance of Ernie Abbott

Simon Collins (Herald): Enemies roll dice against gambling foe

Isaac Davison (Herald): Judges warn cyber-bully law will flood courts

Radio NZ: Dentists want Govt to step in over fluoride

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Labour’s supermarket stupidity

Matthew Beveridge: Informality and social media

No Right Turn: A mystery solved

Mai Chen (Herald): Only new legislation can fix rescue chopper money row

Matthew Beveridge: People to follow on Twitter: Jordan Carter

Bryce Edwards
Mon, 31 Mar 2014
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NZ POLITICS DAILY: March 31 2014