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NZ POLITICS DAILY: December 10 2014

NZ POLITICS DAILY: December 10 2014

Wed, 10 Dec 2014

Today’s content

Countering Terrorist Fighters Legislation

No Right Turn: The final insult

No Right Turn: We should be very, very worried

RNZ: Labour wants clear terrorist definition

Andrea Vance (Stuff): Winston Peters sitting on fence over anti-terror law


State intelligence

David Fisher (Herald): Why NZ spy chiefs can no longer get away with saying 'we can neither confirm or deny'

Audrey Young (Herald): Nats eye repeat of united effort

No Right Turn: Speaks for itself


Judith Collins SST column

TV3: Judith Collins' column defended

Bevan Chuang: Why me again?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Andrew Geddis (Pundit): Suckerpunched by the actor formerly known as "Crusher"

Danyl Mclauchlan (Dim Post): Liberal media watch, Sunday edition

Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Judith Collins joins the Sunday Star Times and cements the Rights dominance of all media

Pete George (Your NZ): Giovanni Tiso et al versus Judith Collins

Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): Freedom only for those with whom agree?


Labour Party

Claire Trevett (Herald): Labour's election review: What went wrong

Matthew Hooton (NBR): Little talking direct to median voter (paywalled)

Rob Hosking (NBR): Labour's review: Remedial Politics (paywalled)

Nevil Gibson (NBR): How Little's Labour can redefine capitalism (paywalled)

Lyn Prentice (Standard): First review results

Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Labour Party Members should be furious at reviews findings

Manawatu Standard: Labour needs to promote diversity, entrepreneurs

Redrave: Labour Party Split Re-activated?


Extradition treaty with China

Gordon Campbell (Scoop): On the hurdles to any extradition treaty with China

Andrea Vance (Stuff): Warning over Chinese extradition treaty

Dan Satherley (TV3): Lack of extradition treaty no barrier – Key

Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Corrupt Chinese could be making political donations – Labour

TV3: Chinese offered Labour donations for favours – Little

RNZ: National confident donations legal

No Right Turn: Against extradition to China

TVNZ: Corrupt Chinese officials living in NZ, and China wants them back


Bradley Ambrose sues John Key

Edward Gay (RNZ): Ambrose to sue PM over teapot tape

Adam Bennett (Herald): Cameraman Bradley Ambrose sues John Key over 'teapot tape'

Corin Dann (TVNZ): John Key has no plan to settle with cameraman over teapot tape saga

Briar Marbeck and Simon Wong (TV3): Teapot tape journalist sues John Key – reports

NBR: Bradley Ambrose sues PM for $1.25m

Stuff: Cameraman files defamation papers against PM



Simon Collins (Herald): On the move: The life of a renter child

Colin James: When houses are bad for the economy

TVNZ: 'If you want a house, build a new one' - Little poses solution to foreign buyers

Vernon Small (Stuff): Foreign house owners may be registered

Simon Wong (TV3): Govt doing 'preliminary' work on foreign register

Adam Bennett (Herald): PM says Chinese real estate investment minor


Waitangi Tribunal report

Newswire: Government can't touch Maori act – Waitangi Tribunal

TV3: Flavell vows commitment to Maori warden programme

RNZ: Call for one body to represent all Maori


Ian Rennie

Dom Post: Editorial: Iain Rennie's judgment in doubt

Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): John Key stands by SCC's Iain Rennie

Newswire: Rennie should carry blame over Sutton case – Little


Climate change

Newswire: Govt to set new 2020 climate change targets

No Right Turn: Climate change: Appalling



Wayne Hope (Daily Blog): Who owns NZ media?

Sarah Stuart (Herald): Twelve Questions: Rod Emmerson

John Drinnan (Herald): Radio rivals play a pricey game


Parliament’s prayer

Audrey Young (Herald): MPs' new prayer rejected

Peter Wilson (TV3): Parliament's prayer unchanged



TV3: Opinion: Patrick Gower's Politician of the Year

RNZ: Fonterra to blame over scare – Guy

Chris Hutching (NBR): Is Wellington super city a takeover by Fran Wilde and regional council? (paywalled)

Morgan Godfery (Maui Street): Māori wards and the struggle to narrate Māori rights

ODT: Employment law behind exploitation

Herald: Editorial: Uptake for Govt's school success plan encouraging

Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): A statement from the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union

Rob Hosking (NBR): Dirty Politics: the aftermath (paywalled)

Rob Salmond (Polity): The game-theoretic folly of “always reward with double”

Rodney Hide (NBR): Greens’ school attack fails truth test (paywalled)

Office of Auditor General: Back to training for New Zealand as Denmark takes out integrity gold

Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Economy could be Key's downfall

Patrice Dougan (Herald): Trust and confidence in police drops

Peter Bromhead (Herald): PR confusion

Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Public servant numbers climb

Manawatu Standard: Our representatives should not be gagged

Tahu Potiki (Press): Our justice system is built on forgiveness

Press: Editorial: NZ must guard clean record

Isaac Davison (Herald): Government sets 62-day cancer treatment target

Colin Gavaghan (Pundit): Is safety just a big disguise, that hides among the other lies?*

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NZ POLITICS DAILY: December 10 2014