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New leaked docs reveal Lusk's secret plan to infiltrate public service

NBR staff
Tue, 04 Jun 2013

New leaked documents detail a seminar held by controversial National-aligned spin doctor Simon Lusk to restructure and infiltrate the public sector to serve right-wing objectives.

Mr Lusk identified his objective of “taking over the public service” in his February 2012 strategy paper, “Building a Fiscal Conservative Majority,” but the newly leaked documents showed he followed this up later that year with a seminar at his Havelock North home last Queen’s Birthday Weekend.

The two-day seminar was limited to six people – “as that is the size of my table,” Mr Lusk wrote – but NBR understands it was attended by Franks & Ogilvie solicitor Jordan Williams and former Labour Party member Daniel Newman, now active in the National Party in Judith Collins’ Papakura electorate.  Disgraced former MP Aaron Gilmore is also believed to have attended.

The seminar looked at what changes were needed to the structure of government departments and the Cabinet, and what legislative changes would be required.  The Sunday afternoon session was concerned with “developing good people to run [the] State Sector, and especially the State Services Commission.”

Attendees were told not to come if they were “unable to undertake assigned preparation for the session.”

Other leaked documents prepared by Mr Lusk detail plans to raise US$5 million from the United States to establish a New Zealand Political Education Trust to back New Zealand politicians “with the medium term aim of having an enduring centre right majority, with a pro United States outlook on the world stage.”

The government has strongly distanced itself from Mr Lusk.  On a scale of 1 to 10, prime minister John Key has said he regards Mr Lusk as a -1, while Ms Collins tweeted on Friday that she hasn’t “seen or spoken to Simon in 2 years”.


Lusk memo May 2011: Guide to Creating a Political Party (PDF)

Lusk memo Feb 2012: Building a Fiscal Conservative Majority (PDF)

Lusk memo July 2010: New Zealand Political Education Trust Proposal (PDF

SJ Lusk & Associates: Training day invite, October 2011 (PDF)

Reforming the Public Sector Policy Session: Agenda (PDF)

NBR staff
Tue, 04 Jun 2013
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New leaked docs reveal Lusk's secret plan to infiltrate public service