Memo to Bill: zip it
For reasons best known to himself, the PM is constantly introducing new Barclay tape theories.
For reasons best known to himself, the PM is constantly introducing new Barclay tape theories.
It would help National if Prime Minister Bill English delivered a definitive account of the Barclay tape affair — or simply just stopped talking about it.
Labour's intern scandal was a stroke of good fortune for the prime minister, turning public attention from the Clutha-Southland MP's sacking within a day.
But yesterday, for reasons best known to himself, Bill English needlessly re-ignited interest in Barclay-gate by introducing a new theory — that there is no evidence a recording actually exists (which of course raises the question of why Mr Barclay would be sacked encouraged to resign this week).
Lest that fail to keep the story alive, today the PM added yet another fresh element, telling media at his party's conference that Mr Barclay offered to play him the tape.
He was immediately asked how that squared with his previous account. Mr English said his statements were consistent; he just did not know if the tape existed or not — but of course it's easily spun into a "Wait, today the tape exists again?" line.
I'm no comms expert, but my advice to the National leader would be something along the lines of "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, MAN — STOP TALKING ABOUT THE TAPE. STOP INTRODUCING NEW THEORIES EVERY FREAKING* DAY"
Whatever that inherent skill John Key had for dampening down a controversy, his successor has the opposite.
* Some language has been altered.