The company, whose shares are suspended from trading, now has a board lacking any AI expertise, the CEO tells NBR.
Headlines touting farm receiverships and other financial woes are sending the wrong message to potential rural investors.Farm syndicate creator Andrew Watters of Palmerston North-based MyFarm told NBR headlines are having an effect on general investor per
The Huljich KiwiSaver controversy is thought to have prompted a letter from the Securities Commission being sent to KiwiSaver providers reminding them of their disclosure obligations.The commission has issued a guidance note on KiwiSaver distribution and
A week after a survey found many New Zealanders think KiwiSaver is government-guaranteed, another survey has revealed the lack of a guarantee is one of the main concerns people have about the scheme.Last week a UMR Research poll found that nearly half (48
Nearly half of all KiwiSaver members wrongly think they have a government guarantee, according to a new survey that raises further concerns about the safety of investors.The UMR Research survey of 750 people found worrying gaps in many people's KiwiSaver
A New Zealand research paper on a relatively new asset class has received interest from around the world but virtually none from local media (except NBR of course).New research by Russell Investments has identified life settlements investments as a valuab
Peter Huljich has resigned as managing director and chief investment officer of Huljich Wealth Management following controversy about some Huljich KiwiSaver transactions.Don Brash, the chairman of Huljich Wealth Management, has taken over both roles.&ldqu
New Zealand investors seem to be taking to a new trading platform but are also showing that old investing habits are hard to break.Late last year one of the world's largest providers of Contracts for Difference (CFDs) and online foreign exchange trading,
From today credit ratings are now mandatory for non-bank deposit takers (NBDTs) under new Reserve Bank rules.Mandatory credit ratings are a key component of the new prudential regulatory regime for deposit taking finance companies, building societies and
Cabinet has this week made some important decisions about the implementation of the Financial Advisers Act and the Financial Service Providers Act, which were both passed into law in 2008.These decisions will allow for regulations to be developed that set