IDC estimates shipment numbers for Lumia - Nokia's big comeback hope
Could you call it a dent in iPhone and Android sales?
Could you call it a dent in iPhone and Android sales?
Nokia shipped 2.2 million Lumia phones during its March quarter, estimates market research company IDC (that's shipments to resellers rather than acutal sales).
The number pales next to the 35 million iPhones sold by Apple during its most recently reporter quarter - which in turn is some margin behind the collective sales of handset makers pushing Google Android-baseed mobiles.
But IDC analyst Kevin Restivo says it is too early to tell whether the Lumia line would be an abject failure or an outright success, because the handsets have yet to become available on more carriers in more countries. He said the next two quarters would serve as a better measure of the Lumia line’s chances.
Nokia Lumia smartphones, which run on Microsoft Windows Phone software are the result of a multi-billion alliance between the two companies.
In New Zealand, Nokia has released its Lumia 800 through Telecom, Vodafone and 2degrees and its cheaper 710 throught Telecom only. It has yet to release its flagship Lumia 900 here.