ANALYSIS: As Vital Healthcare revives a restructuring scheme, directors of its external manager seem particularly antsy about their independence.
ANALYSIS: Millennium & Copthorne's disdain for minority shareholders is written all over its accounts.
ANALYSIS: Government has endorsed a deal to transfer its monopoly to an overseas provider with obvious low compliance standards.
ANALYSIS: The rationale for its 18% stake in Auckland Airport is long forgotten.
ANALYSIS: Extra money in the Budget for the Green Investment Fund is more political window-dressing than environmental action.
ANALYSIS: Economists agree stadiums have little economic impact on their local communities, but what do they know? [Warning: irony ahead.]
ANALYSIS: Despite the company’s qualities, investors are expecting a lot.
ANALYSIS: After the eye-watering inflation we have experienced it’s way too soon to be talking up the market.
ANALYSIS: Local bidders are best placed to understand the challenges at Whakapapa and Tūroa.
ANALYSIS: One way or another, this year is looking like an important one for the perennial poor performer.