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Goff wins Auckland by a landslide

Strong showing for Labour-aligned candidates across the country.

Sat, 08 Oct 2016

As expected, former Labour leader Phil Goff has won the Auckland mayoralty by a landslide (see provisional results below).

By the count of local body observer Ben Ross, Mr Goff has 14 "progressive" councillors in his corner vs seven "conservatives." The new mayor's exact level of support among various independent councillors will crystallise as he attempts to pass his first budget before Christmas. 

Of the three National-party aligned mayoral candidates, Victoria Crone had the strongest showing, while John Palino and Mark Thomas were pushed into fourth and fifth by millennial candidate Chloe Swarbrick. In the Waitemata & Gulf Ward, media personality Bill Ralston lost to Mike Lee.

Low turnout was again a defining element, with 362,795 — or only about one in three — voting-age Aucklanders having cast a vote as of Friday.

In Christchurch, Lianne Dalziel retained the mayoralty as expected.

The Wellington mayoralty vacated by Celia Wade-Brown was claimed by her deputy, Labour's Justin Lester.

And Dave Cull won a third term in Dunedin's big chair.


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Goff wins Auckland by a landslide