Entrepreneur Sam Vye sells big uncrewed vehicles covering air, land, and sea for a range of industries.
Entrepreneur David Yu has been buying and selling for as long as he can remember.
Husband/wife team Jeremy and Melissa Banks are Hi-Tech Māori Company of the Year finalists.
Tech company entrepreneur Mike Carden on lessons he’s learnt for his second go round.
Property-selling superstar entrepreneur seeks second chance.
Business failure put aside, entrepreneur Tina Sharkey thrills to Kiwi sense of humour.
Homegrown card game entrepreneur Legend Story Studios is taking on the world category leader.
New York-based Kiwi entrepreneur David Bell is considered a first mover in DTC disruption.
Blerter boss battled business pivot, now Covid-19.
Helen Mackay's ‘NewLaw’ firm lets lawyers set their own work terms.