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BUDGET 2014: Top tweets about the 2014 Budget

Bryce Edwards
Thu, 15 May 2014

An updating collection of insightful and interesting tweets about the 2014 National Government Budget. As usual, most recent tweets are first. [Read more below]

Idiot/Savant ‏@norightturnnz 

Things I hate: alliterative names for budgets. They're childish and pathetic. Grow up.


Geoffrey Miller ‏@GeoffMillerNZ 

How many times has @RusselNorman said "cabinet club" in his speech? #Budget2014#nzbudget


Lew ‏@LewSOS  

I reckon that's the election well and truly in the bag.


Jessica Williams ‏@mizjwilliams 

#Budget2014 TL;DR. John Key: hahaha lolcopter lollity lol lol lol. Money! It's a good thing! Labour are bad at it! hahahaha (cont)


Warwick Rasmussen ‏@beanbiz 

Why don't they just turn the microphones up, and not talk as loud? #Budget2014


Graeme Edgeler ‏@GraemeEdgeler 

I'm pretty sure the PM's speech is disorderly. Bringing the speaker into debate. Calling MPs only by their first names.


Morgan Godfery ‏@MorganGodfery 

National: we do what Labour does, but half it and call it responsible Labour: we do what National does but double it and call it equitable


Dovil ‏@Dovil 

According to my twitter feed this is a) a terrible budget and b) Labours.


Jessica Williams ‏@mizjwilliams 

#budget2014 TL;DR. Cunliffe: "You guys are lame. And you nicked my ideas. We'd be better at this, honest"


Liam Dann ‏@liamdann 

Cheese-on-toast. Nicely grilled, with a little marmite, thinly spread for maximum effect - tasty but critics will say it lacks vitamins.


The Ruminator ‏@RuminatorNZ 

Budget day reminds me being a blogger is funner than being a journo. I don't have to read the budget. Just bitch in an misinformed way.


Bill Ralston ‏@BillyRalston 

The big budget point is that spending more than $1.5 billion extra will push up interest rates. That's the agenda for the election I guess.


Tim Murphy ‏@tmurphyNZH 

That Labour 4% unemployment target looks pretty gettable with the Budget's own estimate it would fall to 4.4% by 2018.


Tom James ‏@tom_james_nz 

Wonder what the right of the national party thinks of this budget? Lots more sweet, sweet state intervention...


Dave Armstrong ‏@malosilima 

Govt shows zero tolerance for increasing police budget


Edward Bowie ‏@edbowie 

Cunliffe makes me feel better about not going to Church - watching him speak gives me the sense i'm experiencing divine intervention


KiwiBear ‏@RupertTheBeer 

Cheque duty gone? Well, that's it: National have sown up the over-80s vote. #Budget2014


Dave ‏@caffeine_addict 

theres noting in the budget for Twitter. What about us peeps who tweet. Nothing. Pathetic#nzbudget


Geoffrey Miller ‏@GeoffMillerNZ 

The "no milk, two sugars" #nzbudget? #Budget2014 #oravida @JudithCollinsMP


Lew ‏@LewSOS 

Flaw in NZLP political strategy: condition us to believe the sky is going to fall every year, so modesty looks like generosity. #nzbudget


Eric Crampton ‏@EricCrampton 

No sin tax hikes in #nz14, thankfully, but a reduction in duty-free cigarette limits.


NZ Question Time ‏@Alt_NZQT 

Headline: Cheque mate, Baby. #nzbudget


Dave ‏@caffeine_addict 

Cunliffe should get into rapping #fudgeitbudget


Russell Brown ‏@publicaddress 

Arts, heritage and public broadcasting have pretty much taken a shellacking in #nzbudget2014

Bill Ralston ‏@BillyRalston 

@publicaddress Yes, as opposed to those worthless parents, kids, Christchurch, innovative businesses and the rest.


Felix Marwick ‏@felixmarwick 

Cunliffe's calling it the Fudge it budget #NZBudget2014


Bill Ralston ‏@BillyRalston 

Pretty good budget. Kind of sad to hear Labour whimpering "It's all our idea, really."


Danyl Mclauchlan ‏@danylmc 

Wait - what about housing? There's pretty much nothing to address housing, am I right?


Giovanni Tiso ‏@gtiso 

The first cousin twice removed of all budgets.


Michele A'Court ‏@MicheleACourt 

Free doctors visits for kids under 13 is wonderful. Would've made a difference when mine was little. #onlygoodbitsofar #nzbudget


Philip Matthews ‏@secondzeit 

Catchy. Already seen three political editor references to Baby Budget/Baby Bribe Budget.


La-mia ‏@LI_politico 

Just because National is playing in Labour's turf does not mean that they aren't doing other Nat-like things on the on the side. #nzbudget


Lew ‏@LewSOS 

Steady as she goes. Bill English is the quiet achiever of this gov't. History will remember him.#nzbudget


Geoffrey Miller ‏@GeoffMillerNZ 

Is this Michael Cullen's 10th budget? #Budget2014


Tim Murphy ‏@tmurphyNZH 

No surprises here: Treasury's Fiscal Outlook says this year's surplus achieved by government spending being 'rephased to later years'.


Dave Armstrong ‏@malosilima 

In which Bill English tells the large right-wing of the Nat party to STFU.


Danyl Mclauchlan ‏@danylmc 

I guess my take on this budget is that the left is winning the debate: we didn't see a massive shift to the left from Nats in 2011


Duncan Garner ‏@Garner_Live 

'Bill's Baby' Budget - Articles - Duncan Garner - Shows - RadioLIVE: …


Eric Crampton ‏@EricCrampton 

No way that increasing eligibility for KiwiSaver first home subsidies helps affordability unless they're successful in fixing supply. #nz14


Patrick Gower ‏@patrickgowernz 

Bill English has just pulled out a "Baby Bribe Budget". Blog: … Bill's Baby Bribe Budget.


Warwick Rasmussen ‏@beanbiz 

"Accelerate", "more", "growing", "boosts", "extra", "better" and "responsible" among popular words in #Budget PR email subject lines so far.


Matthew Beveridge ‏@matthewjpb 

Is it just me, or are the @NZNationalParty tweets coming out a few secs before Bill says them?


Dovil ‏@Dovil 

A $372M surplus?! If you discount the billions of debt, WE'RE RICH!


Graeme Edgeler ‏@GraemeEdgeler 

Frontpage headlines from the @nzherald: "Big surplus" and from @NZStuff "Small surplus".


NZ Question Time ‏@Alt_NZQT 

So tariffs will save $3500 on building costs an 'average' house. In other words, just a letter box in Auckland. #nzbudget


Dave ‏@caffeine_addict 

RNZ says families are the winner in #nzbudget. But only if hte kids are under 13 and you have a low income. …


Danyl Mclauchlan ‏@danylmc 

Although the big problem with free GP visits for <5s was the instant increase in demand with nothing done on the supply side


Grant Robertson ‏@grantrobertson1 

Cheque duty is gone. That'll turbo charge the economy. I expect to hear a rebate for cassette players and fondue sets next. #Budget2014


Andrea Vance ‏@avancenz 

The family friendly Budget - more details here via @NZStuffPolitics #Budget2014 …


Max Rashbrooke ‏@MaxRashbrooke 

Spending on health to fall 15% in real terms by 2018, education by 8%, acc to Budget docs. Well that's one way to get surpluses


Whaleoil ‏@Whaleoil 

So Bill English delivers yet another breeders budget


AnonyMs ‏@homecomeexpat 

@RuminatorNZ If the budget this year were a colour it would be beige. Or perhaps a soft off white.


Matthew Beveridge ‏@matthewjpb 

On going update of social media graphics and tweets about #nzbudget 


The Outrider ‏@unsung75 

Bill English has produced the ideal #insomniacure but when are these things ever exciting?


Tim Watkin ‏@Tim_Watkin 

Good to see $ for freight on rail & more transport $ for Akld very good... But is $375m all on roads? Families pkge aims to keep women vote


Sean Mahoney ‏@Seanjm72 

Key sends smoke signals for the election to come ...  budget2014


Philip Matthews ‏@secondzeit 

The AC/DC budget. 


Toby Manhire ‏@toby_etc 

If I were Bill English delivering the NZ budget speech today, at the end of every paragraph I'd cough "Joe Hockey".


Megan Campbell ‏@MeganCampbellNZ 

@danylmc basically all Labour & greens can say is "but we'd do more and faster" but with what money?


La-mia ‏@LI_politico 

Vote Communications Security Intelligence is 4 pages. 1 page title, 1 page blank. The other two just tell us the whole figure. LOL.


Philip Matthews ‏@secondzeit 

"Paid parental leave extended and free doctors visits and prescriptions for children under 13." Communism by stealth!


Elle Hunt ‏@mlle_elle  3m

"Looks like the real way to get value out of this budget would be to have a kid," remarks@rnzgallerycraig


Danyl Mclauchlan ‏@danylmc 

Writing Labour's reply speech to this budget must have been a crappy job


Iain Lees-Galloway ‏@IainLG 

Why does the ACC levy cut not come in for another year? ACC made a $5b surplus but Govt needs that income to make its wafer-thin surplus.


Idiot/Savant ‏@norightturnnz 

GCSB gets an extra $2 million. Guess that's what happens when you know who @johnkeypmhas been calling


3 News Editor ‏@3NewsEditor 

"Bill English has just pulled out a baby bribe Budget," writes @patrickgowernz  #Budget2014


Tim Watkin ‏@Tim_Watkin 

Great policy on up to 13 Drs' visits. But it's universal, so how does that square with Nats targetting argument?


Danyl Mclauchlan ‏@danylmc 

Writing Labour's reply speech to this budget must have been a crappy job


Iain Lees-Galloway ‏@IainLG 

Why does the ACC levy cut not come in for another year? ACC made a $5b surplus but Govt needs that income to make its wafer-thin surplus.


Idiot/Savant ‏@norightturnnz 

GCSB gets an extra $2 million. Guess that's what happens when you know who @johnkeypmhas been calling


3 News Editor ‏@3NewsEditor 

"Bill English has just pulled out a baby bribe Budget," writes @patrickgowernz  #Budget2014


Tim Watkin ‏@Tim_Watkin 

Great policy on up to 13 Drs' visits. But it's universal, so how does that square with Nats targetting argument?


Jessica Williams ‏@mizjwilliams 

Budget lockup freebies! NZ shaped ginger biscuits. Just like Bill English's lucky cuff links#Budget2014


Joshua Hitchcock ‏@jcphitchcock 

Best budget announcement: free GP visits and prescriptions extended from under 6s to under 13s.


Tim Watkin ‏@Tim_Watkin 

Has the government run out of ideas on housing? Still looks like its biggest weak spot. Bet@honbillenglish gritting his teeth over Kiwirail


Joshua Hitchcock ‏@jcphitchcock 

No need to listen to Bill speak, Everyone has pressed send at 2 pm :)


Simon Bradwell ‏@simonbradwellnz 

Is [APPLAUSE] written in to copies of the Budget given to backbench Govt MPs so they can clap at appropriate moments? Seems staged


Idiot/Savant ‏@norightturnnz 

It really is the labour-lite budget. Which is actually pretty good for a party in opposition.

David Farrar ‏@dpfdpf 

@norightturnnz Arguably good for keeping them there :-)


Idiot/Savant ‏@norightturnnz 

(I regard getting other parties to adopt your policies as a victory, not a loss)


David Farrar ‏@dpfdpf 

If you do have old chequebooks at home, from tomorrow you can bring them in and get 5c refund per unusued cheque!



First reaction to Budget - looks like @NZNationalParty is more focused on social policy, inequality of opportunity, than @nzlabour. #nz14


Tim Watkin ‏@Tim_Watkin 

Sure is an election year budget - Nats spending on social policy tells you that. Clever? Lolly scramble?


Ben Heather ‏@BHeatherJourno 

More money for health including, at very rough first glance, $300m more for DHBs.#nzbudget


Tim Watkin ‏@Tim_Watkin 

Great policy on up to 13 Drs' visits. But it's universal, so how does that square with Nats targetting argument?


Russell Brown ‏@publicaddress 

Budget for Public Broadcasting Services down 3.8% in 2014/15. Sigh.

David Farrar ‏@dpfdpf 

@publicaddress Better than the $40 million cut for ABC in Australia


Demelza Leslie ‏@rnzdemelza 

Budget centrepiece is $500m package aimed at families. Includes free doctor visits & prescriptions for under 13s


Dave ‏@caffeine_addict 

budget surplus is $372 million. About a week's borrowing. #budget2014


Keith Ng ‏@keith_ng 

It's a very political budget - but the policies it uses for political purposes are actually quite good. …


NZ Question Time ‏@Alt_NZQT 

18 weeks PPL. So Labour is pretty much cut off at the pass. #nzbudget


Keith Ng ‏@keith_ng 

Visualisation of #Budget2014, right here: …


Bryce Edwards
Thu, 15 May 2014
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BUDGET 2014: Top tweets about the 2014 Budget