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Brian Edwards: Is this democracy?

How many brain cells to you have to lose in order to regard MMP as a workable and satisfactory form of democracy?

Thu, 12 Oct 2017

As I write this, Winston Peters may or may not have made up his mind whether to go with Bill or Jacinda.

How many brain cells to you have to lose in order to regard MMP as a workable and satisfactory form of democracy?

One egotist – I would have used a stronger term but my wife says it would be defamatory – one egotist is offered the keys to the kingdom and gratefully, if not graciously, accepts. And this is the third time it has happened.

This is not democracy; this borders on autocracy.

Only the names of the powerbrokers change.

When the leaders of the two largest parties in the country have to go cap in hand to the joker in the pack in order to govern, something is very amiss with the system.

This might not be the case if the joker in the pack were motivated by altruism on behalf of the citizenry. But that really is stretching credibility.

It’s fun though. No denying Winston really is a hoot. So that’s all right then. Isn’t it?

Commentator and media trainer Dr Brian Edwards posts at Brian Edwards Media.

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Brian Edwards: Is this democracy?