Auckland council gets 'B' rating - report
Council needs to prove itself in second term, researcher says.
Council needs to prove itself in second term, researcher says.
Auckland super city is sitting on a ‘B’ grade for its first term performance and needs to prove itself in its second term, according to research from Auckland University of Technology.
The research report ‘Super City? State of Auckland’ gives voters a sense of how the super city is performing against the expectations set when it was established in 2010. The report identifies some of the issues voters need to consider when they vote in the local government election in October.
“While the super city is functioning well in many areas, we are still seeing a lack of clarity about the roles of the council as governing body and the local boards. There is also a perceived lack of accountability of council controlled organisations,” says one of the report’s authors, Professor Judy McGregor.
“It is critical that these relationships are sorted out, otherwise we may see more local communities wanting to break away and seek to regain control of local governance and rates revenue,” Prof McGregor says.
Six other significant findings of the report are:
“If work is put into the right areas, the super city could be performing at an ‘A’ level in three years’ time. But if not, the rating could easily slip to a ‘C’ which would see Auckland in the doldrums,” says Prof McGregor.
She says Aucklanders should vote for representatives who will address the areas which are holding the super city back and who have vision for the future.
“Voters should look for representatives who are committed to strengthening the unique super city model and addressing the inequalities that all Aucklanders worry about. We also need to choose representatives who will guarantee to balance environmental quality with economic growth and the provision of more affordable housing for Aucklanders.”
Prof McGregor also urges young Aucklanders to exercise their right to vote: “Young Aucklanders have the most to lose from the intensification debate, but unfortunately they are also the least likely to vote of all age groups. In the last election fewer than a third of eligible Aucklanders between the ages of 18-24 voted.”