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Assange to help Dotcom drop his Sept 15 bombshell on Key

Tue, 26 Aug 2014

Kim Dotcom has told OneNews the big international name who will play a role in the bombshell he'll drop on the prime minister: WikiLeaks founder and fugitive Julian Assange, who's holed up in Ecuador's London embassy, is set to take part in a pre-election attack on John Key.

"I can give you a hint. Someone who is currently locked up in an embassy might be on a live video link," Mr Dotcom said.

Mr Dotcom had warned something big will come out on September 15, just five days from the election.

The Internet Party founder has booked the Auckland Town Hall for a rally on that date — but he has played his cards close to his chest, not even telling Internet Party leader Laila Harre the contents of his news.

He has already hired journalist Glen Greenwald, who made public the Edward Snowdon leaks. Now the addition of Mr Assange confirms the September 15 event will be about New Zealand's spying.

Asked will September 15 do more damage to Mr Key than the Dirty Politics book has, Mr Dotcom told OneNews: "I think so."

Sweden is trying to extradite Mr Assange to face questioning over two alleged instances of sexual assault.

Mr Assange denies any wrong doing, but says if he leaves the embassy he fears he will be arrested by UK police and then sent to the US to face charges related to Wikileaks' release of sensitive diplomatic cables relating to Iraq and Afghanistan.

Separately, Mr Dotcom chirped on Twitter last night "BREAKING: WhaleOil hacker revealed & IT'S NOT ME!" — a reference to a hacker called "Rawshark" approaching Stuff and claiming to be the Whaleoil hacker. The article Mr Dotcom linked to does not identify the person going under the Rawshark handle.

What do you think? If Dotcom and Assange can prove PM was briefed about Dotcom earlier than Key has publicly admitted, would that harm National? Click here to vote in our subscriber-only business pulse poll.

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Assange to help Dotcom drop his Sept 15 bombshell on Key