[UPDATE: Apple Australasia spokeswoman told NBR this morning: "As with all iPhone 4 customers a free case will be made available for them to select at time of purchase."]
Apple has this morning confirmed the iPhone 4's release date - this Friday, as expected - plus limited pricing details.
A full price list is not given, but the company says the iPhone 4 will sell "from $1099 incl GST".
The iPhone 4's headline features include a case that's 24% thinner than its predecessor (with the controversial external antenna appearing as a metal band around it), longer battery life, the ability to shoot 720p HD video, video calling software, plus the so-called retina display - which for NBR's money looks like a knockout.
The white iPhone 4 will not be available locally until later this year.
iPhone 3GS line-up chopped back
Friday will also see the the iPhone 3GS line chopped back to an 8GB model only (previously the 3GS line consisted of 16GB and 32GB models), which will sell for $899.
If you want 16GB or 32GB models after Friday, your only choice will be to upgrade to the iPhone 4.
To bump or not to bump?
Apple has yet to confirm if the iPhone 4 will come with a free bumper case here.
Despite Steve Jobs' assertion that the offer is international, the company's local reps were clueless when NBR inquired - and so far today, there is no further update. [See UPDATE above; Apple has now confirmed free bumper cases for NZ iPhone 4 buyers; Apple's official bumper (pictured) has a retail value of $US30].
Apple Apple Apple
Notably, the press release makes no mention of Vodafone, saying only " iPhone 4 will be available for purchase through Apple’s online store (apple.com/nz/store) and Apple Authorised Resellers (apple.com/nz/buy).
Vodafone is featuring the iPhone 4 on its home page, however, and has also put up a registration page.
Yesterday, Telecom released Micro-SIMs, plus data plans specific to the iPad - an indication it will do the same thing for the iPhone 4.
2degrees, Orcon and others - too numerous to yield to anything bar statistical analysis - also have Micro-SIMs on order.
Vodafone had no comment.
Apple offers iPhone 4 refund, free cases
iPhone 4 grip of death strikes outside NBR
iPhone 4 released - a review of reviews
NBR staff
Tue, 27 Jul 2010