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Abe says TPP agreement 'close' ahead of US visit

Japan's prime minister has given the strongest indication yet of a breakthrough in trade talks.

Nevil Gibson
Tue, 21 Apr 2015

Japan’s prime minister has given the strongest indication yet a breakthrough is imminent in completing the Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal ahead of his forthcoming US visit, Shinzo Abe said agreement was near.

“We think that an agreement between Japan and the US is close but we’re hoping that even more progress will be made,” he said.

US and Japanese trade negotiators have held two days of talks in Tokyo to smooth out differences over contentious bilateral issues.

These include Washington’s demand that Japan double imports of rice and Tokyo’s demand that the US eliminate immediately its 2.5% tariff on auto parts imports.

In his interview, Mr Abe said he wanted to share an understanding with President Barack Obama that the TPP is “extremely beneficial for both countries” when he visits Washington on April 28.

“It would be good if I could reach an agreement during my meeting with the president, but when you climb a mountain, the last step is always the hardest,” he said.

“Ultimately, what needs to happen is for both countries to make a political decision” to address these sensitive areas.

Mr Abe’s push for an early agreement gives a further boost to the TPP, coming just days after leaders in the US.Congress agreed to advance so-called fast-track legislation to ease ultimate passage of the trade bill.

Nevil Gibson
Tue, 21 Apr 2015
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Abe says TPP agreement 'close' ahead of US visit