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Bridges from Bridges, Winston talks figures

Winston Peters says the bridges plan is “off the cuff, out of the pocket, pork barrel politics”

Jason Walls
Mon, 09 Mar 2015

Transportation Minister Simon Bridges and Northland National Party hopeful Mark Osborne have announced the government will be replacing 10 single-lane bridges on state highways in Northland.

The bridges are on State Highway 10, 11 and 12.

New Zealand First leader and Northland candidate Winston Peters told NBR that Messrs Bridges and Osborne’s bridges plan was “off the cuff, out of the pocket, pork barrel politics.”

“When you present a plan to fix these bridges up that’s going to cost between $32 and $69 million, that shows you’ve got no preparation, no background, no research, no engineering investigation,” he told NBR.

The announcement came only hours before Mr Peters was due to announce his own policy for the infrastructure of Northland.

In a speech in Whangarei today, Mr Peters took aim at National's announcement, telling the crowd that it was going to hear National make promise upon promise to fix what it hasn’t fixed in the past 50 years.

“All the things you have been asking for like building two-lane bridges in your electorate that has the second-highest number of one lane bridges in the country, new economic plans, new social policy are now happening because of our campaign.

“A week ago they had never given any of these things a thought, now, all of a sudden they are top priority.

“For decades you have been asked to be fixed up.

“Surprise, surprise this morning National announced it will fix 10 bridges in Northland. All of a sudden something is being promised.”

Jason Walls
Mon, 09 Mar 2015
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Bridges from Bridges, Winston talks figures