What's at stake: Residential property investors are breathing a sigh of relief that the coalition Government is bringing back interest deductibility and other landlord-friendly policies.
Background: Investors' share of the housing market dived after the previous Labour Government introduced the non-deductibility rule, and together with high interest rates it's meant many are teetering on the edge.
Key players: National/ACT/NZ First coalition; property investors; Ed McKnight, Opes; Nichole Lewis; Matthew Harris, Lighthouse Financial Services.
Many a residential property investor will be breathing a sigh of relief these Christmas holidays as the new coalition Government’s more landlord-friendly policies bed in.
Restoring the deductibility of mortgage interest costs, bringing the bright line test back down to two years, and reinstating
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What's at stake: Residential property investors are breathing a sigh of relief that the coalition Government is bringing back interest deductibility and other landlord-friendly policies.
Background: Investors' share of the housing market dived after the previous Labour Government introduced the non-deductibility rule, and together with high interest rates it's meant many are teetering on the edge.
Key players: National/ACT/NZ First coalition; property investors; Ed McKnight, Opes; Nichole Lewis; Matthew Harris, Lighthouse Financial Services.