Right of reply: Fisher Funds defends fees
We absolutely stand by our clients receiving very good value for money from our products and service, CEO Bruce McLachlan says.
Fisher Funds chief executive Bruce McLachlan.
We absolutely stand by our clients receiving very good value for money from our products and service, CEO Bruce McLachlan says.
Fisher Funds chief executive Bruce McLachlan.
Tim Hunter’s opinion piece on Fisher Funds and our performance fee model (When will the FMA act on performance fees?) is wrong and makes serious and incorrect allegations of the legality of Fisher Funds fee structure. It is an inaccurate and emotive piece of reporting. We attempted to work with Tim in order to explain our model but he unfortunately chose not to engage with the information we provided or accept our offer of an interview.
This is deeply disappointing and unacceptable.
We stand by our performance fee structure and are confident that it complies with the current FMA guidance.
This year we undertook a full review of our performance fee structure to ensure that the key features of our performance fee model reflected the FMA’s latest advice and no significant issues were identified.
Fisher Funds has also been in discussion throughout 2022 with the supervisor of the Fisher Funds KiwiSaver Scheme and with the FMA regarding the performance fee model. While neither party has endorsed the model used, the fee has not been deemed to be unreasonable.
Hurdle rate of return
The column raises particular concerns with the hurdle rate of return used in our performance fee structure. We have reviewed our hurdle rate of return used closely and are confident it is reasonable and meets the substance of the FMA guidance.
These reasons include:
Further formal fee value for money review
Along with all other licensed fund managers, we will undertake a further formal fee value for money review in the coming months and will retest the above features of the performance fee model that we believe makes the fee reasonable as part of this process.
It’s important to acknowledge that the year ended June 30, 2021, represented an extraordinary period for investors with returns beyond all expectations.
As an example, the return for our clients invested in the Fisher Funds KiwiSaver Growth Fund to June 30, 2021, was 21.2% (after fees and before tax). The performance fees earned over this period reflect the exceptionally strong year our investment team had achieving returns among the highest in the industry for our clients.
We absolutely stand by our clients receiving very good value for money from our products and service.
This is supplied content, not paid for by NBR.