Comings & Goings
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New advisory board appointed at Stats NZ

Arises from significant boost in funding from Budget 2020 for the 2023 Census.

Thu, 21 May 2020

Ensuring that Stats NZ’s direction and strategy best supports government policy decisions will be a key focus for a new Governance Advisory Board announced today by the Minister for Statistics, James Shaw.

The new Governance Advisory Board will provide strategic advice to Stats NZ to ensure it is meeting New Zealand’s data needs now and in the future. It is modelled on, and will operate in, a similar manner to, the board that advises the Treasury.

“From public health to the impacts of the global pandemic on people’s lives to the greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change, good-quality data is essential for decision making – not just by government, but also by organisations, businesses, and individuals across New Zealand. The board will play a crucial role in maintaining New Zealanders’ high level of trust and confidence in Stats NZ and the data it produces,” Shaw said.

The Governance Advisory Board follows the announcement in last week’s budget that there would be a significant boost in funding for the next Census, which will take place in 2023.

“We have now allocated a total of $210 million to run the next Census, a two-thirds increase on what the previous government provided for the last Census. The additional funding will put thousands more staff in the field and boost engagement with NGOs, churches, iwi and hapū, and other organisations with deep connections in their respective communities to drive up Census response rates,” Shaw said.

The board’s principal role will be to advise and sometimes challenge Stats NZ’s CEO and executive leadership team on matters of strategy, capability, and performance.

The six members of the new board are Vic Crone (chair), Lillian Grace, Māui Hudson, John Martin, Nicki Crauford, and Te Rau Kupenga. The Stats NZ CEO, Mark Sowden, and the chair of the new Risk and Assurance Committee, Wendy Venter, will also sit on the board.

The statutory responsibilities of the chief executive and government statistician remain unchanged.

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New advisory board appointed at Stats NZ
Comings & Goings,