Metlifecare appoints acting CEO
Andrew Peskett will be acting chief executive from April 1, until Earl Gasparich takes over this year.
Andrew Peskett will be acting chief executive from April 1, until Earl Gasparich takes over this year.
Metlifecare Ltd (NZX: MET) (Metlifecare) has announced the appointment of Andrew Peskett to the role of acting chief executive from April 1, 2021. Peskett is currently Metlifecare’s GM corporate services.
Chair Paul McClintock said: “We are pleased to offer Andrew this opportunity to lead the company from April 1, 2021 until Earl Gasparich commences in the middle of the year.
“Andrew has been with Metlifecare since 2007 in a variety of roles and has extensive knowledge of the company and the sector. He has also exhibited excellent leadership through his tenure, in particular during the acquisition of the company by Asia Pacific Village Group Limited and several other significant workstreams over the past 18 months.
“We have every confidence in Andrew guiding the company through this important transition period.”
This announcement is authorised for release by the board of Metlifecare.
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