Hot Topic Reporting season
Hot Topic Reporting season
Comings and Goings
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Global commercial exec joins Aroa’s board

Darla Hutton will be a US-based independent non-executive director.

Darla Hutton.

Fri, 22 Mar 2024

ASX-listed soft-tissue regeneration company Aroa Biosurgery has appointed Darla Hutton as an independent non-executive director.

Based in the US, Hutton has more than 25 years’ experience in life sciences commercial strategy, operations, sales, marketing, and data analytics. She is vice-president of commercial operations and marketing – Asia at Silicon Valley-based Intuitive Surgical, a global leader in minimally invasive care.

Aroa chief executive Brian Ward said Dutton’s breadth and depth of experience would be a valuable addition to the board of the Auckland-headquartered company.

“In particular, her expertise in selling into the operating room is well aligned with Aroa’s focus on soft tissue reconstruction procedures,” he said.

The board has also announced the retirement of long-standing director Steven Engle from the end of March.

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Global commercial exec joins Aroa’s board
Comings and Goings,