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Chief reporter for The NBR List
Chief reporter for The NBR List

Owen Poland

As a contributor to The NBR List, Owen brings to both roles a 40-year involvement in broadcasting and business journalism. As the former business editor at both ONE News and 3 News he was recognised with total of 11 Qantas and Westpac Awards for business and financial journalism. His overseas experience includes eight years working in Australia and the UK for the likes of CNN, BSkyB and Financial Times TV. Nowadays Owen is a freelance broadcaster, writer and media trainer.

Owen Poland's Articles

The sport of kings

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Mon, 24 Jul 2017

Bullet-proof baby boomers hit the succession wall

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Mon, 24 Jul 2017

Queen’s Birthday Honours 2016: Sir Christopher Mace (Knight)

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Mon, 06 Jun 2016

Defiant Brierley narrowly clings to GPG board seat

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Thu, 24 May 2012
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