Comings and Goings
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Skills Group appoints CEO

Education leader Rosanne Graham started as chief executive on July 1.

Rosanne Graham.

Thu, 07 Jul 2022

Training and consulting organisation Skills Group has appointed Rosanne Graham as chief executive.

Graham has held senior roles in the education sector over the past 20 years.  Most recently she was the chief executive of Evolve Education Group, director of a vocational consulting organisation, and chair of Ignite Colleges, before managing the organisation’s sale process and integration to Skills Group. She replaces Garry Fissenden who has left the role after 11 years leading the organisation’s extensive range of interests.

Skills is based in New Zealand but operates across a number of international markets.  It specialises in vocational education, which encompasses workplace training; consulting to businesses on upskilling their people and improving their well-being and productivity; designing Industry training frameworks for governments and industries; and delivering campus-based training to individuals.

Graham said underpinning the strategy was a steadfast commitment to delivering quality education in the vocational education space, and helping more people set a new path for a lifechanging future.

Graham started in the role on July 1.

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Skills Group appoints CEO
Comings and Goings,